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What The Slump?

It seems to be that season when everyone is in either a reading or writing slump. Don’t know what these are? Let me explain! In the case of a reading slump, it’s the feeling that you cannot find any books that capture and keep your attention. This can result in the sometimes-dreaded DNF or taking a month to read something you could typically devour in a couple of days. A writing slump is similar to writer's block but to the extreme. There are myriad reasons for both of these absolutely awful illnesses (it really can feel like you are sick when these things take place). I have found myself in quite a writing slump lately. This week, we will discuss what causes these slumps and potential ways to get out of them!

Most of us have experienced a reading slump; if you have not, you are one lucky mfer! These slumps can be quite bothersome and disruptive, especially for readers who use reading to escape. Not being able to find a book to get lost in can begin to take its toll on a reader. Some things I have seen, heard, and experienced that cause reading slumps are things like just having finished a five-star book, depressed feelings, distractions, and sometimes just reading multiple bad books in a short period of time. I have some personal experiences with the first reason as I have heard via social media and my inbox that some of you fell into reading slumps after reading Demon’s Dream. For that, I am truly sorry. I think there is quite a simple solution for this particular issue: try reading a book by the same author. 😝 You never know; I might have some other books in my catalog that you would put on the podium with Demon’s Dream.

Now, when it comes to reading slumps caused by depressed feelings and episodes, I would suggest reading a comfort book if you have one. A comfort book is one that always makes you feel good. Or try an author who always makes you feel good because they have a proven track record of quality work. This can cure having read a string of books that don’t suit you; someone who never lets you down can help get you back into the groove. Distractions, too, can unintentionally put you into a reading slump. That show that everyone is talking about, all the diss tracks that seem to be dropping like flies, or even keeping tabs on the college students who are invoking their First Amendment rights (and having their other rights violated) are just some of the current events that may act as distractions. Distractions aren’t necessarily bad—sometimes, the world demands our attention on things that might be just as or more important than our TBRs.

As for these writing slumps, I personally find them to be worse than the reading slumps. I don't always have the energy or physical or mental health to sit down and write, so when I do, it would be nice if my brain didn't turn the creative mode off. My writing slumps are often due to feeling “over” whatever I may be writing at the time, wondering if it’s good enough for my readers, or story ideas not coming to me or coming to me in a way other than the way I would like for them to come. For example, I have been working on Real’s Love a lonnnng time (not necessarily abnormal for me). I truly think it’s a good story. At the same time, a streak of perfectionism makes me feel like it is not quite ready and that I need to give it more context before I hand it over to y’all. To overcome this particular type of writing slump I typically go on a reading binge to get energized and motivated, including reading excerpts from my past catalog and reading dark, spicy tomes from the genres I love.

When the ideas are not coming or not coming in the way I want them to, I have to give in and let my characters be who they will be. Authors aren’t just talking—characters really run the show. Currently, I also question myself about what I expect. Are my ideas too narrow? Am I being too repetitive? Sometimes, I have to let my already haphazard writing process become even more organic.

I hope those experiencing either of these “illnesses” find a treatment soon. Personally, I think I have the perfect solution for reading and writing slumps. Go see your faves at a book event! The Literary Gems Awards and Indie Love are quickly approaching, and you can find me at both events. If you are interested in preordering books for Indie Love, my paperbacks are officially on my website, You must use code IndieElle at checkout to avoid shipping costs and receive your books at the event*. I look forward to meeting all of you. Also, if you have recently overcome a reading or writing slump, let me know in the comments below what helped you to overcome it. As always…

Blissful Reading

*When you place your order it will ask for your shipping address, just use the shipping address you would typically use and the code will let me know not to ship it but hold on to it to give you at Indie Love!

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Some of my older authors that I still read until this day has grown so much with their writing style and it keeps me invested in their work. The newer authors that I run across, it seems like they have something to prove or just want to stand out,so their books are way different. It just takes me a minute to try them until I'm at my wits end and forced into it, then I go down the rabbit hole of their catalog and I feel refreshed afterwards.


Ugh!! I'm so glad to read your blog post on reading slumps and writing slumps. I will never forget the reading slump I fell into after reading Demon's Dream, whew! That was a kicker in the kisser. It took me over a week to find a book that would catch my attention. I enjoy reading as I have a vivid imagination, so the stories play as movies in my mind's eye, and I get to escape away from everything around me. I fell in another reading slump when I become so overwhelmed with how much my work was demanding of me that when I had the space to read, I was just too mentally exhausted to do so. On top…


I have used reading as an outlet and because I’m open to expand my pallet of different genres, it has kept me going!!!…I love that I see my regular authors are bringing newer authors to the front and that makes me read even more!!!…Reading has kept me out of a depression!!!…It has been a beautiful escape!!!…


I found that I usually get into a slump when the authors I love to read haven't evolved or become even stronger. I'm looking for more details, deeper imagery, stronger scenes. I don't like new authors because I'm afraid of change But those new authors are the ones that pulls me out of my slump. If that doesn't work, my go to genre is paranormal and it's like a palette cleanser to give me a reset.

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I had the realization today that I'm afraid of new authors and I had to do some inner searching to discover why, I haven't yet to find a solid reason, but I do know I'd rather stick to the authors I've already invested in.

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