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Tyanna Black Indie Author Highlight

I was not lying when I said I am going to be doing more Black Indie Author Highlights! We are back with another one and a very special one indeed as this week we are highlighting one of my dear pen sisters Tyanna. Tyanna is an author and publisher, you may have read some of her books that rock her Tyanna Presents insignia. She was just recently signed to Literary Queen Publications. Now, without further ado, let's dive into this week's blog to learn more about Tyanna and what she has going on!


Question: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey as an author? 

Answer: My name is Tyanna Coston and I’m from Camden NJ. My journey as an author has been an amazing one. Although it gets hard, and I complain at times I’ll never let my love for it go. 

Q: How did you get started in writing, and what led you to pursue a career as an author? 

A: I started writing because my experience as an an avid reader, test reader, and helping authors with storylines and character names inspired me to try this out for myself. What led me to pursue it as a career was the love I was getting from the readers and the love I was getting from other authors. Then also the fact of getting paid for something that you love to do was a plus. I don't know about other authors but the way the readers rant and rave makes me love it so much more. 

Book-Specific Questions

Q: Let's talk about your latest book. What inspired the story, and what themes does it explore? 

A: My latest book is titled A Savage and His Beauty (standalone). I think watching TV inspired it umm not really sure, lol. Sometimes I just could be sitting here and a story comes to mind. But it explores being homeless, doing whatever it takes to survive, suicide, and growing up before your time. It also explores not letting life take over and that happiness always comes on time. 

Q: Can you share a bit about the main characters in your book and what readers can expect from their journey? 

A: The story is about a Girl named Sahara “Beauty” Douglas who ends up being homeless after her dad suffers from PTSD and kills her mama then himself. She ends up meeting a lady named MamaMax who runs a home for young homeless girls. She teaches them how to survive in this cruel world. 

Q: How does this book differ from your previous works, if at all? 

A: It really doesn't. Most of my books are Damsel in Distress. I seem to love that Trope. It’s just something about a woman meeting her night and shining armor when life gets rough. 

Writing Process

Q: What is your typical writing routine or process like? 

A: I usually come up with a title once I figure out what Trope ima use, character names, and occupations. Most of all my stories take place where I'm from. Then I just free-hand write whatever comes to mind. Now if I get stuck I'll outline the next couple of chapters to see if that helps.  

Q: How do you overcome writer's block or challenges during the writing process? 

A: I truly have not mastered that yet, but I do try watching TV,  listening to music, or reading a book. Sometimes I may go to a different atmosphere to write. 

Character Development

Q: Do your characters evolve as you write, or do you have a clear vision from the start? 

A: I usually have a clear vision from the start for my main characters. Now supportive characters come as I write. 

Q: Are any of your characters inspired by people you know or real-life experiences? 

A: Yup, but I can't get into all that lol. 

Genre Related Questions

Q: What is your favorite genre to write and read? 

A: Definitely Urban Fiction. My BBW love stories are my favorites. 

Q: Why do you write the genre you write? 

A:  Because I love it and no one can ever make me hate it, I've been reading these types of books since I was a teen. 

Indie Author-Related Questions

Q: What made you decide to go the Indie route as opposed to the major publishing company route?

A:  I wanted to see if I was capable of doing it on my own. Not to mention I wanted to give my authors some freedom to write what they wanted to write. See sometimes when you are signed to a publisher you can only do certain genres and I didn't want that for my girls. 

Q: What is your favorite thing about being an Indie Author? 

A: Writing on my own time and being able to do what I want when I want. 

Q: Would you ever consider going the major publishing company route? 

A: I actually just signed a contract with Literary Queen Publications (Mzlady P’s company). She happens to be one of my favorite authors and was once my pen-sister. 

Book Marketing and Promotion

Q: How do you approach marketing and promoting your books?  

A: Social media, Emails, and word of mouth.

Q: How important do you think social media and online platforms are for authors in today's publishing landscape? 

A: Very important although it gets rough, I believe without it it would be hard for some authors. 

Favorite Moments and Achievements

Q: Can you share a favorite moment or achievement from your writing career so far? 

A: I was at the airport on my way to from a book event when a girl got out of line, came over to me, and said “Are you Author Tyanna, didn't you write Upgraded by a Street King? OMG I have the book right here can you please sign it for me?” That day I ended up selling ten books to a couple of employees in the airport. I live for moments like this. 

Q: Is there a particular reader response or review that has stood out to you? 

A: A reader came to my inbox and told me she lives through my BBW love stories. She said to keep doing what I’m doing because I never know how I may help someone. 

Future Projects

Q: Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or works in progress? 

A: No, I just know I have something coming at the end of this month and the end of September. 

Q: Are there specific genres or themes you'd like to explore in your future writing? 

A: I’ve done a paranormal, I wanna do thriller and suspense, and a young adult book. 

Inspirations and Influences

Q: Are there specific themes or topics that consistently inspire your work? 

A: BBW love stories came about when I noticed that bigger women were very seldom talked and it bothered me being raised by bigger women and seeing them find love and be married and all the good stuff made me wanna get into that. 

Q: How do real-life experiences influence the fictional worlds you create? 

A: It happens all the time because most of my stories are written based on real-life actions. Not always my actions, but other people's actions.

Personal Insights

Q: When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?  

A: Working as a CNA, Publisher, and event planner so my plate is pretty full. 

Advice for Aspiring Writers

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are just starting their journey? 

A: Keep going, don’t let nothing discourage you. Always remember what's for you is for you no matter what and don’t be scared to leap out on faith. 

Q: Reflecting on your own experiences, is there anything you wish you had known when you were starting as an author?  

A: Not every author/ publisher is looking out for your best interest. Although I had a great ex-publisher and I have some dope author friends. 

Thank you so much Tyanna for allowing me to highlight you and give everyone a chance to get to know you better. More information about Tyanna can be found via the link below! Stay tuned for more Black Indie Author Highlights and if you have any authors whom you would like to see highlighted, comment their name below and as always

Blissful Reading!

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