Anti—blackness, fake bougie-ness, negative exceptionalizing, and respectability politics are the reasons some people don’t like urban fiction.
Whew, glad I got that off my chest.
The title of this post is somewhat misleading. There’s really no debate. Some of y’all have judged, convicted, and are ready to execute Urban Fiction and its authors. Damn!
Seriously, the blanket statements and the pretending that only UF writers explore certain themes are old. We are not a monolith. There are plenty of authors who write light or funny stories, but if you’re lumping all of us into one category, basing your opinions primarily on stories you read 20 years ago, or experiencing delayed outrage about how young you were when you read some book, your impression is skewed. I’m not saying UF is above critique. I’m saying quit generalizing.
Then, the complaining about all books having the same storyline: again, not true. There is diversity within the genre. And I want to remind you about tropes— their existence is proof of the fact that there are tried and true standards in multiple genres that authors put their own spin on.
And before you come for me, yes my best-known book has some childhood trauma and a deeply scarred main character. But that book is also influenced by other dark genres that don’t get this kind of one-size-fits-all all criticism. And I’ve written other things (See? Diversity), that don’t touch those subjects at all. Stop being condescending and painting us all with the same brush. All of us are not the same.
Now, what I’m about to say doesn’t apply to pedophilia. I’m not upholding that. But just because you are unfamiliar with or critical and disdainful of certain people, lifestyles, locations, and occupations doesn’t mean stories related to all that shouldn’t be told. Your respectability will not save you.
Listen, I appreciate your fancy feminist lenses. I have one, too. Got a whole PhD that included a minor specialization in Women’s Studies. Through that lens, can I see issues with the genre? Sure, but then there also has to be a wider discussion because the romance genre in general is built on some pretty heterosexist, strict gender role ideas. So, critique UF. Hold authors accountable. But critique other genres, too, and let’s see if you use the same dismissive language dripping with condescension and ignorance.
Let me stop because I’m moving from elle kayson to Dr. Gray and she is happily retired.
I am so grateful for you touching on this, the amount of melanated readers that always have some negative narrative regarding black urban fiction makes my glock jam. It gives internalized racism 😒 😑. Also one of the reasons, I have left many Facebook groups and do not care to interact much.