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The Allure of Fiction Books

As readers, many of us read to escape and read about characters and situations that distract us from our own chaotic lives. There is a certain allure to reading about drama involving others as opposed to dealing with our own drama. When we are reading these stories, not only do we escape and forget our issues; sometimes, we briefly forget about our morals and things that we have labeled as "icks" and instant turn-offs. All too often, our book boyfriends are found growling, telling their women to call them daddy, and just taking these women wherever and whenever they want. We read these stories giggling, kicking our feet, and swooning just thinking about being in these situations ourselves. But let's be for real. If a man at a club comes up behind you and growls “I’m your daddy now, babygirl” are you going to need a new pair of panties or is he going to need a napkin for his leaking face?  I lean toward the latter--I'll tell anyone who asks about my MMCs, I love toxic men... for other people. 😁

I have had a couple of related conversations in which I asked if you could be with your book boyfriends irl or live the lives of my FMCs. Aside from their wild lifestyles, they also did, said, and had some pretty outlandish things. When we think back to how some of our favorite book boyfriends met the women they would kill for, the circumstances were not always typical. We have men who have participated in kidnappings, others who made their claim off first encounters (with no prior knowledge of said person), arranged situations, and just all around toxic behavior that we know for a damn fact we would not allow. Let’s not forget the way these men act when their woman is being romantically approached by another man. It is not at all normal for someone to stab another person in the hand in the middle of a restaurant, but that is typical behavior for these men. Somehow, they get away with it with zero consequences.

As crazy as the things they did were, some of the things they said would be categorized as out of pocket, wild, and straight up nasty. It’s pretty common knowledge that a man who has a lot in his pants walks and talks as such (hello, BDE!). This is no exception for book boyfriends. They say whatever they want to whomever they want and don’t think twice about it. If your daddy is a bitch, he will let him know. If he wants you to bend over and spread it for him in your parents' house, he will tell you and have you hollering his name, houseful of people be damned. We can swear up and down this is sexy, but if we somehow found ourselves in these situations, I am sure we would be more stunned, shocked, and maybe even a little embarrassed than anything else. Of course, this all depends on the people and the situation, but in certain romance novels, these lines always work. They do just what they were intended to do! This theme is common when it comes to our book boyfriends.

On the other hand, a common theme for the girlfriends of our book boyfriends (what a wild statement) is that their men are constantly in dire need of being “buried deep inside” of them. There might be some real-life truth to this--some men always want to get down, no matter the time or place. Similarly, there are undoubtedly women who stay with it on their minds. But a man known for his wealth and for handling business, who can rarely think past his carnal desires and a woman who is ALWAYS Niagara Falls ready? C'mon, now! Now, I am not saying that women do not like to have sex or that there are not women who are "hot and ready" like they are described in books. The way the scenes are described, however, and how they just go round after round after round, every day and multiple times a day... I don’t know. When do you work or eat or spend time with family and friends? Maybe I wasn't doing something right back in the day, but in my world, this is not at all realistic.

Sex habits aren't the only things that are not realistic. When most of our book boyfriends are described they are typically over six feet tall and over 200 pounds. And baby, they are proportionate! Book Bae gon' have a nine- to eleven-inch package that is as thick as a Lysol can. I am not sure if you have actually taken out a ruler and measured nine/ten/eleven inches or the width of a Lysol can, but this makes for quite a large specimen to be entering quite a small orifice (even if it stretches). Then, they sometimes enter through the backdoor?! Is there really enough lube in all of Romancelandia? I am sure we have all had some sort of an experimental phase, but to have to take that every night, multiple times a night, does not at all sound like something a doctor would advise you to continue. As for elle, I'd have to have my doctor write me an excuse! Remember, y'all--these are my musings and opinions. If you want to go to Pound Town all day, every day on a super-sized vehicle, I will hype you nonstop!

The allure of fiction books will always remain that they are just--that fiction. Fanciful, engaging, escapist, and sometimes over-the-top adventures. We know that the situations, while sometimes based on true stories, are not situations we would find ourselves in. This, we willingly suspend our disbelief and enjoy the ride. These books are very entertaining to read and provide us with inexpensive getaways from reality. If you are looking for some new books to help you escape, The Black Love Reigns event is now live! Don’t miss your chance at free and bargain books!! I will also be including the Tik-Tok video that inspired this blog post and as always 

Blissful Reading!

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