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Olivia Linden Black Indie Author Highlight

Updated: Aug 16

Happy August Y'all! I know it's been a minute since I've been here and I minute since we have done a Black Indie Author Highlight but we are back and I promise to bring more of these to y'all in the coming months. To kick us back off we will be highlighting romance author Olivia Linden who is a confirmed author for the Black Romance Book Fest! She also has an upcoming release that she will tell you all about below!


Question: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey as an author? 

Answer: I've been reading and writing since I was very young. Writing was my favorite form of expression because I was so shy. I started writing short stories and plays in elementary school and then mostly focused on poetry as I got older. The idea for my first book came five years before I actually wrote and released it. When I learned that I could self-publish it was on! Since then I've just let my creativity lead me. I've written a few series, co-written a series, and been a part of a few anthologies but I think I was doing too much and took a break for almost eight years. Now, I'm more focused and organized in my approach to publishing. 

Q: How did you get started in writing, and what led you to pursue a career as an author? 

A: Honestly? I read a very popular book and said to myself, “You can do this!” lol

Book-Specific Questions:

Q: Let's talk about your latest book. What inspired the story, and what themes does it explore? 

A: My latest, Given a Chance, is the second book in The R&B Series in which each story is inspired and titled after an R&B song. It's a friends to lovers novel about two college friends who have denied their attraction over the years. The FMC was married and the MMC was a player. Fast forward a few years after graduation and her marriage is in shambles. She needs help and he shows up for her in a big way. 😏 Even though they're free to explore their connection, she's hesitant because of his reputation but their chemistry is too steamy to ignore. 

Q: Can you share a bit about the main characters in your book and what readers can expect from their journey?

A: Nicole comes off as a stubborn and tough New Yorker, but Jay's a southern gentleman who sees right through to her soft and pink nature. 

Q: How does this book differ from your previous works, if at all? 

A: This book focused much more on the couple without too many distractions or drama from the outside world.  

Writing Process:

Q: What is your typical writing routine or process like? 

A: I set playlists for each book and try to write daily. I tend to read and edit as I'm writing the story. 

Q: How do you overcome writer's block or challenges during the writing process?

A: The biggest thing is determining whether I genuinely need a break, or if I'm being lazy. I set small goals of 250 words until I get back to my regular schedule. 

 Character Development:

Q: How do you approach the creation of your characters? Do they evolve as you write, or do you have a clear vision from the start? 

A: I usually have a clear vision but some aspects come to life as I write, like their emotional nature. 

Q: Are any of your characters inspired by people you know or real-life experiences? 

A: Usually just my sense of humor comes through but I like everything else made up!

Genre Related Questions:

Q: What is your favorite genre to write and read?  

A: I love reading thrillers/ romance but I love writing romance. 

Q: Why do you write the genre you write?

A: I love LOVE. I'm a lover girl at heart with a flair for drama.

Book Marketing and Promotion:

Q: How do you approach marketing and promoting your books? 

A: Sometimes I feel like it's just trial and error. 

Q: How important do you think social media and online platforms are for authors in today's publishing landscape? 

A: I think social media is huge, especially for Indie Authors. That's the fastest way to get your work seen and shared.

Favorite Moments and Achievements:

Q: Is there a particular reader response or review that has stood out to you? 

A: Yes! One reviewer said she thought I should be more well known and it touched me that my story was able to have that kind of impact. 

Future Projects:

Q: Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or works in progress?

A: I’m currently working on book 3 in The R&B Series which centers around another couple in the college friends group. I'm also finishing up book 2 in my Urban Fiction series.

Q: Are there specific genres or themes you'd like to explore in your future writing? 

A: I would love to write a mystery/thriller or a fantasy novel.

Personal Insights:

Q: When you're not writing, how do you spend your time? 

A: Usually reading, binging a TV series, or being greedy! I love looking up new restaurants or recipes to try. I'm an introvert that loves to get out every so often, but I need me time to recharge. 

Q: How has being an author changed or influenced your perspective on life? 

A: It's helped me become more attuned to myself and my needs and emotions. 

Advice for Aspiring Writers:

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are just starting their journey?

A: Just start it! Don't be afraid to connect with other authors and ask questions. 

Q: Reflecting on your own experiences, is there anything you wish you had known when you were starting as an author? 

A: I wish I had a clear plan for what I wanted to accomplish.  I literally made every mistake possible, but I learned a lot 😅 

Thank you so much Olivia Linden for allowing me to highlight you! If y'all want to find out more information about Olivia and check out her catalog all her information can be found below!

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