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Could You Live the Lives of My FMC’s

**Thanks to @blklvreader for curating these visuals. I do not own these images! Credit to the models @corierayvon, @iammuna, @rebeccarih, @medinaimani_, @naturallin_, and @briannaamor.**

A few weeks ago, we had our Battle of The Book Boyfriends, Smoke versus Damien, and you all chose your sides. I can honestly say that it was pretty even and you all had very valid reasons for your choices, but could these book boyfriends be your boyfriends in real life? Could you live the lives that my FMCs live while dating these very fine, very dangerous men? While their lives may have lavish sides; access to Black Cards, fancy cars, and bodyguards, it is all the result of the perilous lives that their men live that put them in danger every day. Before you go any further, there will be spoilers of Demon’s Dream as well as The Beauty of This Street Love 1 & 2, so if you have not read these books, what are you waiting for?? I'm just kidding, but seriously what are you waiting for?

Last week I had the pleasure of doing an Author Takeover on the Tales Between The Sheets Facebook group where I asked this very question, and I was rolling on the floor reading the answers. Some people said they couldn't do it because too much comes with the lifestyle or there's too much going on in the downstairs department. On the flip side, others were sure they could, as long as a lot of vacations were involved and their family did not get harmed, which can’t really be guaranteed in these men’s lives. Let's dig into what it means to be a ride or die chick for real for real.

Let’s start with the lovely, voluptuous Dream Dior Castle. Dream was already pretty deep in the lifestyle, washing money and being the fixer for her family, but it's a whole different story when you are the woman who can turn a Demon into a lover. Dream had the misfortune of essentially being at this man's beck and call for whatever he wanted for a month (wait is this a misfortune), In that month, she fell in love with him, because of course, who wouldn't fall in love with a crazy fine, murderous man? Now that she is in it with this man, she has to navigate not only the dangerous life he lives, but the fact that he doesn't know how to express himself and he damn sure does not know what love is or what it means to be loved. This man vacillates between throwing her little shit around when he gets mad and sharing the deepest parts of himself with her in more vulnerable moments. That's trauma right there and that man has a lot of it! Living Dream's life would be luxurious, but have its own difficulties, as well.

Next up we have Dr. Briar Elyse Rose risking her career for Tyrese Kinsey's young, fine ass. She allows this man to break into her office on multiple occasions, steal patient information, and eat her while she eats lunch in her office. Then, she ends up helping him with his injured “coworkers” for some stacks on the side! Yes, she is absolutely profiting and essentially just doing what she swore an oath to do, but there are some very serious repercussions that could occur should she be caught. If we are being realistic, she very well could quit her job and just help the Kinsey's, but she is a woman with her own dreams and goals in her career field.

Lastly, we are going to look at the life of Cyn Murray. She is a special case because she has a child who loves Tristan (Tripp) just as much as she does. It is one thing to fall for a man, but it is a whole different beast when you involve a child who doesn’t understand the concept of break ups and such. Tristan came in and swept the two of them off of their feet, being the man Cyn needed and the father Cynaa needed. But Cyn saw first hand how being with him could put her child in serious danger. In a situation like this, you are between a rock and a hard place. On one side, you and your child love this man to pieces. On the other, you know that by being with him, both you and your child’s lives are in danger. This is not at all the type of decision I would want to have to make.

All in all, I feel like while there are some potential positives to being the ride or die to these men, I think the negatives outweigh the positives.... unless you take things like love into account. And I'm a romance author; of course, I take that into account! In each of these cases, the men love the women hard and show it, even if that visibility comes after an internal struggle. The kind of attention, care, quality of life, and security they provide is intoxicating. And the money... while it can't buy true happiness, it makes life a lot easier. We have to remember, though, while money was not lacking (well, that and dick), the costs that money came with could be the difference between life and death. This is a personal choice and dependent on what you can handle but their lives are absolutely not for me... unless my one, true soulmate was involved in something that gets his hands dirty. I might have to reconsider, then. 😁 As always, let me know what you think in the comments below and

Blissful Reading!

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Baby I’m riding with Tre until the wheels fall off. Lol 😂 seriously Tre, Demon, and Smoke all had their shyt about them. When the world saw who they had to be, it’s easy to think that’s all there is to them. That’s not who they were but merely a part of them. I don’t think a person is their job. So should I just ignore a hardworking man cause he collects trash everyday? He is surviving. Lol sorry about the tangent. But, I think I could because each of these men moved hell, high waters, valleys, and mountains to keep their women safe.

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