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Briyanna Michelle Black Indie Author Highlight

I know it has been quite some time since we have done a Black Indie Author Highlight and the only reason for that is that we have all been quite busy writing and even releasing books as is the case for this week's Black Indie Author Briyanna Michelle. She recently released her much-anticipated book Finding My Way To You in May and her catalog of black love stories is just what the doctor prescribed. Without further ado, let's take some time and get to know her!


Question: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey as an author? 

Answer: My pen name is my first name and middle name. My journey as an author started off on an app called Wattpad. I wrote my first book in 2013, which I never finished by the way. I am a lover girl in all the best ways. 

Q: How did you get started in writing, and what led you to pursue a career as an author? 

A: I have always had a love for reading as a young child. My friends and I would hang out at the library after school. Once I came across Wattpad, I had to ask myself, why can’t I write a book too? I just tried to one day and the response was really good. Once my confidence started to build up, I pursued a college degree to learn everything I could about literary and creative writing.  

Book-Specific Questions

Q: Let's talk about your latest book. What inspired the story, and what themes does it explore?

A: Finding My Way To You is inspired by children who grew up in a domestic violence family household. I wanted to highlight the insecurities of those children and how they might view their acceptance of love. It explores themes of self-love, self-acceptance,  parental loss, and adoption. 

Q: Can you share a bit about the main characters in your book and what readers can expect from their journey?

A: I tend to write characters who are emotional, passionate, kind, and a bit unhinged! 

Writing Process

Q: What is your typical writing routine or process like?

A: My writing process is discipline over everything else. I write three times a day, early morning, in the afternoon, and late at night. I write on the go. Basically, I live and breath my book until it is finished. Then I move on to the next one. 

Q: How do you overcome writer's block or challenges during the writing process?

A: Writer's block is a raggedy hoe, and when she comes around, I take some time to relax and come back once I gain more inspiration. 

 Character Development

Q: How do you approach the creation of your characters? Do they evolve as you write, or do you have a clear vision from the start?

A: My characters are their own people and I even have to be introduced to them. They often reveal themselves fully, once the story is halfway finished! 

Genre Related Questions

Q: What is your favorite genre to write and read? 

A: I love to write romantic suspense and romantic thrillers. It combines my love for romance and action movies. 

I typically read romance of any kind, just as long as the MMC isn’t mean to the FMC. I am a lover girl remember? 

Indie Author-Related Questions 

Q: What made you decide to go the Indie route as opposed to the major publishing company route?

A: At the time, in 2016, I did not think it was possible for me to traditionally publish a romance book with Black characters. I wanted creative freedom to do what I wanted. 

Q: Would you ever consider going the major publishing company route? 

A: Yes, I would love to be a hybrid author. 

Book Marketing and Promotion

Q: How do you approach marketing and promoting your books? 

A: I approach it as carefree as possible. In the beginning, it was very difficult for me to market my books. One day, I combined my love for dance with marketing, and I found my niche. 

Q: How important do you think social media and online platforms are for authors in today's publishing landscape? 

A: Social media is extremely important nowadays, we live in a time where one video can make your career as an author. I encourage authors to find a marketing strategy and stick to it. 

Favorite Moments and Achievements

Q: Can you share a favorite moment or achievement from your writing career so far? 

A: My biggest achievements are when readers reach out and tell me how much my books changed them.  

 I’m a baby author, so I don’t expect people to mention my name in rooms that I have never walked through. Anytime I am asked to be a part of something in the literary space, I’m filled with joy. 

Q: Is there a particular reader response or review that has stood out to you?

A: Yes! 

Future Projects

Q: Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or works in progress?

A: I am currently working on a romance that includes a sport that isn’t often mentioned in books enough. 

Q: Are there specific genres or themes you'd like to explore in your future writing? 

A: Paranormal/ Fantasy 

Inspirations and Influences

Q: Who are some authors or books that have had a significant impact on your writing?

A: Christina C Jones, Alexandria House, JL Seegars, have all inspired me to be a better author! 

Personal Insights

Q: When you're not writing, how do you spend your time? 

A: You can usually find me with a book or having karaoke with my friends and family! 

Advice for Aspiring Writers

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are just starting their journey?

A: Remember that your journey is your journey, don’t compare it to anyone else’s. 

Q:: Reflecting on your own experiences, is there anything you wish you had known when you were starting as an author? 

A: I wish I could have known how important it is to build community in the bookish space. I first published my debut novel in 2021 but was not in the bookish space online. It showed in my book sales, once I cultivated community, it changed everything for me. 

Thank you so much Briyanna Michelle for allowing me to highlight you in my Black Indie Author Highlight. If you want to know where you can find Briyanna and all her work I will be including her link below!

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