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Black Indie Author Highlight: Authoress Masterpiece

For this month's Indie Author Highlight, I am delighted and honored to host my friend, Authoress Masterpiece.


Question: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey as an author? 

Answer: I go by Authoress Masterpiece. I am a full-time author born and raised in California. My journey as an author has been amazing. I work very hard at what I do, and it serves as a form of therapy for me. I love being able to create characters and put a little bit of myself and my life experiences into them. 

Q: How did you get started in writing, and what led you to pursue a career as an author? 

A: I’ve been reading since Jr. high. My first book was The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souja. I started writing short stories and poetry in my notebook. I remained an avid reader through my teen years and becoming an adult. At first, I doubted myself, which resulted in my wasting a lot of years and time. I finally decided to take a leap of faith in the year 2020 and dropped my first book. 

Book-Specific Questions

Q: Let's talk about your latest book. What inspired the story, and what themes does it explore? 

A: My latest book is called Bow Down (When A BBW Submits) It explores BDSM (bondage, discipline, sadism & masochism)

Q: Can you share a bit about the main characters in your book and what readers can expect from their journey? 

A: Bow Down is a standalone book with lots of spice and chemistry from two main characters, Symere, aka Dinero, and Markela, aka Bossi. It has a strong plot with Dom and Sub elements. I added mental health to shed light on that topic. There is heavy content. Readers will be entertained and enjoy the read. 

Writing Process

Q: What is your typical writing routine or process like? 

A: I like to write in the mornings about twenty five hundred words, I repeat the process for afternoon, and evenings. I have three kids, so sometimes it's not twenty-five hundred words three times a day. No matter what, I make sure to write at least three to five thousand words daily. I try to take a weekend break, maybe once out of the month. It just depends on what books I’m working on. 

Q: How do you overcome writer's block or challenges during the writing process? 

A: Writer's block can be tricky. I like to reread my reviews and interact with my readers. That in itself pumps me up and encourages me to snap out of it. If that doesn’t work, then I don’t force my writing. I take a couple of days off just to read. That always does the trick for me. 

Character Development

Q: How do you approach the creation of your characters? Do they evolve as you write, or do you have a clear vision from the start? 

A: I freestyle write. I create my characters and write down key things about them. The goal throughout the start of any book of mine is to make sure that my character is developing and blossoming well. I always want my readers to see my character's growth. 

Q: Are any of your characters inspired by people you know or real-life experiences?

A:  Yes! So the reason I write about mental health is because my mother has Schizophrenia Paranoia. I’ve watched her battle her mental illness since I was a teen. I took courses and worked at mental health facilities to understand different mental illnesses. I feel like people who suffer from mental illness deserve grace, understanding, and love. Also, a lot of my characters are imperfect. They have scars and unique looks. These particular characters are a reflection of myself. In 2011 I was in a near death car accident a day before my 21st birthday. I stayed in the hospital for three months and had to learn how to walk again. Even though I am healed, my eye is still partially swollen, with scars on my forehead and arms. I had to learn how to love and accept myself, scars and all. 

Inspirations and Influences

Q: Who are some authors or books that have had a significant impact on your writing? 

A: Sister Soulja, Cash, Wahida Clark, Nene Capri, Shvonne Latrice, S.Yvonne, Barbie Amor, Peach Johnson, Kendra Wright, elle kayson. There are so many but I know that I can definitely open up a book by these authors and feel inspired. 

Q: Are there specific themes or topics that consistently inspire your work? 

A: Mental illness in the urban community is often overlooked,  and plus-size women always inspire my work. I highlight that in all of my books with different twists and storylines. 

Q: How do real-life experiences influence the fictional worlds you create?

A: It happens randomly for me. I can be watching the news or scrolling through social media and hear something that influences me to write about it. In my real life, I have been through a lot of different things that I am now able to express through storytelling. 

Book Marketing and Promotion

Q: How do you approach marketing and promoting your books? Any strategies that have worked particularly well for you? 

A: Marketing: I use my mailing list, paid social media ads, and Amazon. I also believe in word of mouth, keeping cards with all of my information on them. I also have a couple of paid promoters who promote for me every day so that I can focus on writing. It works well for me. 

Q: How important do you think social media and online platforms are for authors in today's publishing landscape?

A: Very important! I gain new readers weekly just from social media and online platforms. 

Favorite Moments and Achievements

Q: Can you share a favorite moment or achievement from your writing career so far?

A: My favorite moment was reaching a thousand reviews and ratings. My second one was going Indie with my first self-published book, Bow Down. I didn’t expect the book to do as well as it did on release day. I was in total shock when Bow Down hit number one on Amazon's bestselling charts. 

Q: Is there a particular reader response or review that has stood out to you? 

A: Yes! There is a book blogger by the name of Sharonda. Her social media Instagram page is -Readnliftwithshar. She is an ARC reader, and she gives amazing feedback on all of my books. Sharonda leaves the perfect kind of review that won’t expose too much but helps a reader to see the beauty and message that the book has.  

Future Projects

Q: Can you give us a sneak peek into any upcoming projects or works in progress? 

A: I’m working on a new project called Forever After. It’s different from the rest of my books. It’s more of sci-fi/fantasy and romance. It’s for conspiracy theorists such as myself. Readers will have to read it with an open mind. 

Q: Are there specific genres or themes you'd like to explore in your future writing? 

A: Yes, I want to write Paranormal and Interracial. 

Personal Insights

Q: When you're not writing, how do you spend your time? 

A: When I am not writing, I like to spend time with my kids. I love to travel, paint, and color. 

Q: How has being an author changed or influenced your perspective on life?

A: Becoming an author has influenced me a lot. It has taught me self-discipline as well as self-love. I research different things when I’m writing a story and I’m always remembering these things that are teaching me as I go. I’ve been through some very traumatic things, and when I put those things into my characters, it’s like a big relief as well as self-therapy for me. When readers inbox or email me and relate to a certain character it makes me smile. It’s amazing having people from all over the world tell you that I changed their lives from the words that come from my brain. 

Genre Related Questions

Q: What is your favorite genre to write and read?

A:  My favorite genres to write about are Urban fiction and Urban romance. I like to read Romance, BDSM, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Interracial books, Paranormal, and so much more. 

Q: Why do you write the genre you write? 

A: I love writing about Urban Fiction and Romance because it hits close to home for me. I can relate and have had many life experiences through myself and the people that I know. 

Advice for Aspiring Writers

Q: Reflecting on your own experiences, is there anything you wish you had known when you were starting as an author?

A: I learned along the way with awesome publishers. If there's one thing that I wish I had done, it's started my mailing list as soon as I became an author. 

Q: What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are just starting their journey? 

A: Discipline!!! Create short-term and long-term goals for your writing career. Never get discouraged by the reviews you receive. Always keep in mind that some will love your work, and some will not like it at all. No matter how far you get, always be open to criticism and know that there is always room to grow and better your craft. 

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